## *(Highlight added by Jack)* Hello Jeb, Dave and Jack, A few follow-up items from UCAP 1037 episode. The PDF I sent was my own created checklist for drone operations I redacted my personal information from it only Drones operated by Public Service is Canada have no exemptions from Canadian Aviation Regulations, including registration If the drone is above 250g, it must be registered with Transport Canada The Transport Safety Board of Canada has started an air transportation safety investigation #A21O0069 "This is a class 3 investigation. These investigations analyze a small number of safety issues, and may result in recommendations. Class 3 investigations are generally completed within 450 days." http://www.bst-tsb.gc.ca/eng/enquetes-investigations/aviation/2021/A21O0069/A21O0069.html The drone was a DJI Matrice 210 and costs between 10 - 20 000 $US. Kind regards, Constantine