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====== Uncontrolled Airspace Episode #163 "Some Sort of Flame-Throwing Device" ======
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Full-ownership vs. shared... Engine preheating... and what's with the LSA weight limit?... All this and more on Uncontrolled Airspace, Episode #163 "Some Sort of Flame-Throwing Device"
Recorded: December 11, 2009
[[|Jeb Burnside]],
[[|Dave Higdon]],
[[|Jack Hodgson]]
[[|Direct link]] to mp3 audio file of show (right-click to download/save).
===== Show Notes =====
Copter goes down - without the pilot aboard!
Debonair in the median - [[|think that'll polish out?]]
//Intros and Chit-Chat//
Full vs. Shared Ownership: Jack's Quest Continues
U.S. Approves ADS-B Equipment Standards - [[|Aviation Week article]]
Engine Preheating: Reasons, Methods
Got Gear? - New regular segment [[|suggestion from Punky]]
Westwind Ditching follow-up:
Some [[|local knowledge from falcon124]]
In case you don't know, Falcon124 (Grant McHerron) is co-host of the excellent Asia/Pacific Aviation Podcast, [[|"Plane Crazy Down Under"]]
LSA Conspiracy! (OK, not really!)
TSA Locks Out Punta-Gorda Pilots
[[|Sun'n'Fun]] welcomes the T-Birds again in 2010
[[|Hawker-Beechcraft Premier 1A visits military bases for the holidays.]]
Susan Sheets, Prez of [[|National Aircraft Resale Association]]
[[|Kabul Air Traffic Controller]]
[[|Ice Pilots TV Show (We want it!)]]
Houston's [[|1940 Air Terminal Museum]] Raffle Airplane, [[|N9379B on Twitter]]
Royce Ehrle is now producing AOPA's [[|"Never Again Online" podcast]]
Guest Disclaimer: Fareed Guyot & Mike Morgan
UCAP Theme: "Sledgeflattener", Thomas Dolby
Direct link to mp3 audio file of show.
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Posted: 2009-12-11 | [UCAP163] | | index03.php