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====== Uncontrolled Airspace Episode #208 "Observatory" ======
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Amy joins the boys this weeks as they return from summer vacation for a long overdue session in the virtual hangar. All this and more in Uncontrolled Airspace #208 "Observatory".
Recorded: Wed, 29 Sep 2010 17:00:00 -0400
[[|Jeb (uhhh) Burnside]],
[[|Dave Higdon]],
[[|Amy Laboda]],
[[|Jack Hodgson]]
[[|Direct link]] to mp3 audio file of show (right-click to download/save).
===== Show Notes =====
//Intros and Chit-Chat//
Jack taxis glider: Rick S. (Laminar) brought his [[|Silent2 powered sailplane]] to our latest Nashua brunch meetup
Errant Drone Redux: [[|More info released as investigation continues]]
FAA says [[|Hangar Homes won't fly at public airports]]
Engine Failure [[|in a Lancair - audio slide show]]
Visit to Goodspeed: Eddie (turbo) visits 42B for a Rotor Fly-in
UCAP [[|Forum entry, discussion, pix and links]]
[[,-72.455642&ie=UTF8&ll=41.446177,-72.456465&spn=0.004978,0.011984&t=h&z=17|Google Map of 42B]] - check out the departure end of 32
Oops, we did it again - [[|AvWeb piece prompts]] //energetic// discussion
High-wire Act OCAS Inc.'s [[|Obstacle Collision Avoidance System]]
Hudson River Report NTSB report [[|prompts questions from AOPA]]
Time for a LUAW! Line up and Wait phraseology kicks in.
[[|FAASTeam and on-line LUAW course]]
[[|FAA instructions to facility managers]]
D.O.A. at DIA? [[|Shooting range proposed at Denver International]]
//Shout Outs//
FDK to [[|get a control tower?]]
Sue's (Comanche Sue) almost-gear-up landing
Fifi returns to flight - [[|kudos to the CAF]]
David (careenandgo) [[|passes CFI-Initial checkride]]
Guest Disclaimer: Michael Clark
Closing Theme: "Sledgeflattener", Thomas Dolby
Direct link to mp3 audio file of show.
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Posted: 2010-09-29 | [UCAP208] | | index03.php