Uncontrolled Airspace
The General Aviation Podcast

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"Landing in a Puddle" UCAP129

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====== Uncontrolled Airspace Episode #129 "Landing in a Puddle" ======

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Sun 'n Fun Radios's Dave Shallbetter visits the hangar to brief us on this year's fly-in. The boys also talk about how to prepare for your first spring flights... the possible sale of Cessna and some other GA companies... and how to fly on and off of a puddle. All this and more on Uncontrolled Airspace, Episode #129 "Landing in a Puddle"

Recorded: Friday, April 8th, 2009

[[http://aviationsafetymagazine.com|Jeb Burnside]],

[[http://davehigdon.biz|Dave Higdon]],

[[http://sun-n-fun.org|Dave Shallbetter]],

[[http://jackhodgson.com|Jack Hodgson]]

[[http://uncontrolledairspace.com/eps/UCAP129.mp3|Direct link]] to mp3 audio file of show (right-click to download/save).

===== Show Notes =====

* WikiHow: [[http://www.wikihow.com/Land-an-Airplane-in-an-Emergency|to land an airplane in an emergency...]]

* Pilots: Will you keep copies of this in the cockpit for your passengers?

* Spring Fling Flying Preparations...

* The long Winter is passing, Spring is ahead, is your bird ready? Are You?

* [[http://www.aopa.org/members/files/pilot/2007/seasons0703.html|AOPA tips on preparing for the flying season]]

* Sun'n'Fun - [[http://www.faaproductionstudios.com/SNF%20Arrival%20Proceedures%20Notam/2009%20SUN%20N%20FUN%20NOTAM%20final%20color.pdf|here's the NOTAM link...]] 'cause April 21 will be here in no time!

* [[http://www.sun-n-fun.org/Multimedia/SnfRadio.aspx|Sun'n'Fun Radio's]] Dave Shallbetter

* "I heard Dave on UCAP, and he said I could have a waffle"

* [[http://www.avweb.com/eletter/archives/bizav/1347-full.html#200097|Cessna takeover rumors]] drive market spike

* Didn't Raytheon just get out of the GA biz?

* Teledyne Continental Motors Flies G36 on 94UL - and survives!!!

* [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOUJQwZ69qk|YouTube video]]

* [[http://www.cnn.com/2009/US/04/07/stolen.plane.pilot/index.html|Multi-state plane chase]] ends on Missouri dirt road

* Is this a non-story that will get blown out of proportion?

* Shout Outs

* Eclipse-related businesses - Best of Luck!

* Lee Stikeleather - traveling A&P/AI

Direct link to mp3 audio file of show.

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Posted: 2009-04-08 | [UCAP129] | | index03.php