Uncontrolled Airspace
The General Aviation Podcast

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"New Kid on the Block" UCAP005

This episode is a little different this time as most of the UCAP gang is attending the National Business Aviation Association annual meeting and convention in Orlando, Florida. So, we commandeer a bunch of phone lines and Internet connections to record the show from Day Two of the three-day convention. First, we welcome a new member to the UCAP gang, James Wynbrandt. We report on numerous bizjet announcements; some large, some light, and some very fast. Not surprisingly, there was a lot of talk at NBAA about user fees. There were some new avionics, and a big number from Eclipse. We also weigh in on last week's Cirrus crash in New York City. We remember some lost friends. And we celebrate a milestone for a new aircraft.

Posted: 2006-10-18 | Recorded: 2006-10-18

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Posted: 2006-10-18 | [UCAP005] | | index03.php