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Legacy Shownotes
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Recorded: May 16, 2007
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Jeb's on the road this week, he's attending an annual conference where they make him wear a tie, but we're gonna let him into the hangar anyway. James is back again, standing up for Mooney pilots everywhere, and to tell us about his visit to a recent event, where they probably made him wear a tie too. We answer more listener mail... cheer for a not-so-young-eagle... and learn how aviation is not like getting a tooth pulled. All this and more, on Uncontrolled Airspace, Episode #29, "The First Power Reduction."
James' Dentistry book
Int'l Young Eagles Day, June 9
104 year old's first flight
More listener mail
Matt from Mississippi
Phillip from Texas
Ted from Los Angeles
Raven 500
More on noise reduction
Richard from Calif
VLJ Forum
EAA AvCast
Red Tail Project
Opening music: "Sledgeflattener", Thomas Dolby
Closing music: "Dentist", Little Shop of Horrors
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Posted: 2007-05-20 | [UCAP029] | | index03.php