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Recorded: Aug 2, 2007
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Monday was a long day for the UCAP gang as we all made our way home from Oshkosh. We're still catching up on our sleep, and wading through the email, but we wouldn't miss our regular Thursday morning of online hangar flying. We share a few more memories of Oshkosh 2007... try to understand the tragedy of a helicopter midair... and return to the debate about the benefits of the upcoming ADS-B system. All this and more, on Uncontrolled Airspace, Episode #41 "Home Again"
The trip home from Oshkosh
AirVenture 2007 attendance figures
Chicago Center's last Oshkosh
Pod-a-palooza on Pilotcast
Phoenix chopper midair
Near midair video
GPS SA to be turned back on?
Nationwide implementation of ADS-B
Sun'nFun 2008 will close on Sunday
The Private Pilot Podcast, Martin L.
Ponca City Pancake breakfast coming up. !!!
Tip of the hat to Potomac tracon
Opening music: "Sledgeflattener", Thomas Dolby
Closing music: "Take The Long Way Home", Supertramp
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Posted: 2007-08-02 | [UCAP041] | | index03.php