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====== Uncontrolled Airspace Episode #213 "Aircraft Crossing" ======
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The boys gather for one of their early morning hangar flying sessions. They talk about a different kind of through-the-fence operation... Jack gets a new toy... and, there's gonna be a book! Uncontrolled Airspace #213 "Aircraft Crossing".
Recorded: Fri, 12 Nov 2010 08:00:00 -0500
[[|Jeb Burnside]],
[[|Dave Higdon]],
[[|Jack Hodgson]]
[[|Direct link]] to mp3 audio file of show (right-click to download/save).
===== Show Notes =====
Aircraft Crossing: Jack visits [[|Schenectady County Airport]] and notes several interesting things
There's the [[|Empire State Aerosciences Museum]]
And their "across the road" access for aircraft
Jeb asks "What other lesser-known aviation museums are out there?
//Intros and Chit-Chat//
Institutionalization: Air Safety Foundation becomes the [[|Air Safety Institute]]
Skydreamers: [[|The Autry Museum]] hosts exhibition on [[|Aviation History through Art and Photography]]
Conditional LUAW: European airline pilot is [[|OK with this practice - from the UCAP Forums]]
Just a Minute, Man! Concern over training of Brazilian nationals (alleged to be in the U.S. illegally) at [[|Stow-Minuteman Airport.]]
[[|Boston Globe Article #1]]
[[|Boston Globe Article #2]]
Now and Zen: UCAP listener says [[|"Now I get it" in the UCAP Forums.]]
In-flight Repairs: Gladys Ingle changes a wheel in mid-air.
Dave's Rant-of-the-Week: FAA letter of interpretation an eyebrow raiser - who's in charge over there?
Class Discussion: [[|Airfoil Science Lesson]] in cartoon form...
//Shout Outs//
Jeb's neighbor passes Private written
The boys to appear in [[|Rick Felty's]] [[|NaNoWriMo]] effort
Guest Disclaimer: Randa Dufault
Closing Theme: "Sledgeflattener", Thomas Dolby
Direct link to mp3 audio file of show.
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Posted: 2010-11-12 | [UCAP213] | | index03.php