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====== Uncontrolled Airspace Episode #243 "Belatedly Steve" ======
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Guest: Steve Tupper
Recorded: Tue, 12 July 2011 18:00:00 -0400
[[|Jeb Burnside]],
[[|Dave Higdon]],
[[|Steve Tupper]],
[[|Jack Hodgson]]
[[|Direct link]] to mp3 audio file of show (right-click to download/save).
===== Show Notes =====
P-40 Hat Trick [[|Three GA incursions at Camp David]]
//Intros and Chit-Chat//
Invertor et Vomens: [[|Acro Camp!]]
Microjet! FLS Microjet [[|completes Phase 1 testing]]
Chute Luck: [[|BRS saves pilot on first flight]] after installation.
On Solid Ground? [[|Fla. Supreme Court reverses ruling in crash case]]
Tupp-side-Down: [[!/stephenforce/status/90128186003832833|Tupper takes 2nd place in Primary]] at Michigan Aerobatic Open!
Destroyed in Seconds [[|Bellanca makes hard water-landing: video]]
Gone West: [[|Legendary aviator Marion Cole]]
//Shout Outs//
John Roncz [[|returns to AirVenture]]
Detlif and Lilli - on their [[|Around the World RV-7 flight]]
Guest Disclaimer: Michael Clark
Closing Theme: "Sledgeflattener", Thomas Dolby
Direct link to mp3 audio file of show.
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Posted: 2011-08-17 | [UCAP243] | | index03.php