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====== Uncontrolled Airspace Episode #268 "Magic Hand" ======
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Flying Sharks... Lots of Off Field Landings... A bunch of frugal airplanes... and a flock of B-52s. Uncontrolled Airspace General Aviation Podcast. Recorded Jan 12, 2012.
[[|Jeb Burnside]],
[[|Dave Higdon]],
[[|Jack Hodgson]]
[[|Direct link]] to mp3 audio file of show (right-click to download/save).
===== Show Notes =====
Shark! [[|We’re gonna need a bigger airplane...]]
Facebook Drones [[|taking to the skies?]]
//Intros and Chit-Chat//
OFLOTW#1: Crank Break #3 [[|Third time's a charm!]]
We’d Like a Little List The [[|EFF]] [[|files suit to get list of authorized drone operators]] in U.S.
OFLOTW#2: China Beach [[|Replica warbird executes forced landing on NC beach.]]
OFLOTW#3: CAP Road Trip [[|Civil Air Patrol pilot makes road landing]] after power loss.
OFLOTW#4: Water Bomber [[!|Historical film of B-29 ditching and crew recovery.]]
Dave’s Affordables: Bargain aircraft
[[|1971 Piper Cherokee]]
[[|1983 Weedhopper]]
(Sorry: other listings were no longer available)
Sebring Meetup: Saturday January 21, at Sebring Terminal Cafe, 11am ([[|UCAP Forum Meetup thread]])
Air Show/Race Safety: [[|No big change deemed necessary]]
Buffs Away! Minot exercise [[|video shows entire squadron’s MITO departure.]]
//Shout Outs//
Bill Eickhoff,[[| as Bob Knight named Sun’n’Fun’s new Board Chairman]]
Dave Whitman and Ray Walters (thanks from Jeb)
[[|AeroExpo UK and AviationExpo Europe]]
Guest Bios Announcer: Randa Dufault
Guest Disclaimer: Michael Clark
Closing Theme Inspired By: "Sledgeflattener", Thomas Dolby
Direct link to mp3 audio file of show.
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Posted: 2012-01-14 | [UCAP268] | | index03.php