Uncontrolled Airspace
The General Aviation Podcast

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"Zero-G" UCAP026

Legacy Shownotes

[From Classic Shownotes (before ep 90)]

Uncontrolled Airspace #26 "Zero-G"

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Recorded: April 26, 2007

Dave Higdon,

Jeb Burnside,

Amy Laboda,

Dan Johnson,

Jack Hodgson

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Well we all made it back safely from last week's adventures in Lakeland, Florida. A big "thank you" to all our friends down at Linder Regional. Amy was unable to join us down south, so she's come by the hangar this morning to fill us in. And Dan pulls over to the side of the road to check in with his take on last week's events. We marvel at a physicist in zero-gee, a T-28 on the beach, and an alcohol-powered airshow team. All this and more, on Uncontrolled Airspace, Episode #26, "Zero-G"

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Posted: 2007-04-27 | [UCAP026] | | index03.php