Uncontrolled Airspace
The General Aviation Podcast

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"Nobody Listens to Turtle" UCAP475

Airplane spraying gone wrong... Ejected... Lawn Roomba's real name... GPS rollover creates havoc?... 737Max update... Cirrus Vision Jet AD Grounding... FAA certifies limited drone freight delivery... ADS-B IN improves safety... SnF cofounder Billy Henderson passes away... GA assisting with rescue in flooded US Plains... Sun n Fun evolves its name... Jeb's an Uncle--of nesting Sand Hill Cranes Uncontrolled Airspace Podcast. Recorded April 25, 2019.

Posted: 2019-05-02 | Recorded: 2019-04-25

"Nobody Listens to Turtle" UCAP475

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Posted: 2019-05-02 | [UCAP475] | | index03.php