Remember our Vets every day…
Well, it’s 11/11/11…and at 11 there’s an event honoring veterans that’s on my to-do list. There will be lots of hats and pins and patches attesting to the different services and various conflicts the veterans faced and survived.
For my part, the moment is but one moment on one day in which the service of my father, my uncles, my neighbors and friends dominates my thoughts. Many of those remembered gave the last full measure of their efforts in conflicts far from home; many others made it home and built America’s remarkable middle class out of the GI Bill and out of their sweat and tears and blood. Some of them passed on to that great vets reunion beyond us.
Remember them all today and every day; remember when you see that homeless guy wearing old, faded olive drab or dessert camo…they probably earned those clothes the hard way and now have a hard way through life.
Those deserve our remembrances and our thanks as much as those with shiny badges and fresh, clean clothes. And the whole lot of them deserve at least a moment of our remembrances every single day we continue to enjoy loving under our flag.
To my fellow vets, a tip of the wing to you all.