Archive for November 2011

Oh the humanity!

Where have I heard this before?

“A special committee set up to steer the implementation of a critical NextGen technology has concluded there is – as yet – no business case for an equipage mandate.” via FAA Aviation Rulemaking Committee pans ADS-B. For now….

Remember our Vets every day…

Well, it’s 11/11/11…and at 11 there’s an event honoring veterans that’s on my to-do list. There will be lots of hats and pins and patches attesting to the different services and various conflicts the veterans faced and survived. For my part, the moment is but one moment on one day in which the service of [...]

UCAP Meetup at Barnes-Westfield MA

Saturday, November 5, 2011 (L to R) Bob Snyder, Dave Pascoe, Doug Fortnam, Jack Hodgson, Mike Smith, Bill Mullett, John Telfeyan (and Griffin), Rick Felty.

Foreflight on dealing with iPad data deletion.

Foreflight has published some warnings and advice for how to deal with the iPad iOS 5 behavior of deleting information unexpectedly. If you are downloading large files and your iPad or iPhone is running low on disk space, iOS 5 can remove data from inside apps under certain conditions. For example, if you had 1GB of free [...]
